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North American DDI Conference
NADDI 2016 2
fri_admin 22
A Reusable Web Portal for Complex Data 22
- A Reusable Web Portal for Complex Data
- Ensuring Long Term Access to Quality Data: A DDI-based Curation System
- DDI Website Renewal: The good, the bad, and the ugly
- MTNA-RDS: Metadata Powered Statistical Data as a Service
- Supporting different flavours of DDI in odesi: An overview of metadata from two data repository systems
- Closing plenary (Larry Hoyle)
- Using DDI and Colectica to document the US Consumer Expenditure Survey
- Metadata Management in JSON
- Bridging the divide between Special Collections and contemporary research data description)
- Developing metadata and documentation for the Child Data Centre of Alberta (CDCA), a data sharing platform to facilitate secondary research
- Geospatial content in DDI
- Hail Data!
- Keynote address (Lawrence Richer): How do we introduce metadata to researchers and clinicians?
- Lessons learned in supporting major longitudinal research projects with metadata, and in using metadata for rules-based data ingestion in a secure data repository
- Premiere of the MIDUS Colectica Portal
- Poster Session: Let's Interoperate!
- Qualitative Data in DDI Views (DDI4)
- Metadata Requirements for Time-Based Media
- Documenting Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A hands-on Introduction with Colectica
- Documenting and Managing Your Data With Dataverse
- Delivering Open Data and Statistics as a Service
- Documenting Open Data: Metadata for Discovery, Access and Reuse
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