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North American DDI Conference
NADDI 2018 2
fri_1 24
Discovering and using administrative data 22
- Discovering and using administrative data
- C2Metadata: Continuous Capture of Metadata
- A Sample Codebook in DDI4 XML
- The DDI4 Collections Pattern
- Enhancing ICPSR metadata with DDI-Lifecycle
- A role for DDI in management of data as a record
- OpenCBA - a step towards management metadata and paradata
- Ricochet: Developing standards around biomedical reproducibility
- Improving Roper@Cornell: DDI as a foundation
- DDI: Where we've been, where we're going
- Implementing DDI to Document the Consumer Expenditure Surveys
- Documenting and Publishing Statistical Data with Colectica and DDI
- Using DDI to drive data governance in the 21st century
- Moving from Compliance to Reproducibility: Metadata for Supplementary Research Collections
- Panel: Work to develop common standards for metadata across federal statistical agencies
- Keynote Panel: John Abowd, Robert Groves, John Thompson, and Maggie Levenstein
- Poster Session
- Blaise and Colectica - Building on Metadata Standards
- Leveraging metadata, DDI + other standards to implement data as a service at Statistics Canada
- Using DDI to build open source solutions for curation and dissemination of microdata: World Bank Tools and experience
- Document Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A Hands-On Introduction with Colectica
- Longitudinal research center in a box
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