Session Satisfaction Scale
North American DDI Conference
NADDI 2015 2
f_a_close 45
- f_a_close
- f_a_ddimf
- f_a_discoveringstandards
- f_a_edsurvey
- f_a_marketing
- f_a_midus
- f_a_vetsa
- f_a_wls
- f_b_ced2ar
- f_b_curation
- f_b_ddidots
- fri_colectica_portal
- fri_curation
- fri_ddiweb
- fri_mtna
- fri_odesi
- fri_plenary
- friday_bls
- friday_json
- th_a_citations
- th_a_clinical
- th_a_data_capture
- th_a_keynote
- th_a_publichealth
- th_a_translate
- th_b_datapolicies
- th_b_dataservices
- thu_b_colecticaexcel
- thu_b_rogatus
- thu_bridge
- thu_cdca
- thu_geospatial
- thu_hail
- thu_keynote
- thu_longitudinal
- thu_midus
- thu_poster
- thu_qual_ddi4
- thu_timespace
- wed_colectica
- wed_dataverse
- wed_ddipower
- wed_mt
- wed_mtna
- wed_opendata
Plenary Session: Conference Wrap-Up and Future of NADDI 23
- Plenary Session: Conference Wrap-Up and Future of NADDI
- DDI Moving Forward: Update, Feedback, and Suggestions for the Project
- Plenary Session: Discovering Standards
- First results from the survey on metadata management in the educational sciences
- Marketing and Generating Partnerships Group Discussion
- A Next Generation, Reusable, Web-based Data Catalog
- Documenting the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging
- Starting in the middle: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study and DDI
- Crowdsourcing DDI Development: New features from the CED2AR Project
- An Open Source, DDI?Based Data Curation System for Social Science Data
- Connecting the Dots with DDI
- Supporting Extended Citations in DDI4
- International clinical research collaborations using DDI Lifecycle - CHARM's growing pains.
- Data Capture: Tracking data from source to results
- Keynote Address: From 'Data Discoverability' to 'Data Navigability'
- Data Discoverability in Public Health
- Overviewing the Translating Research in Elder Care Monitoring System (TMS) Data Platform
- University Data Policies and Data Services
- Research Data Services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Documenting Spreadsheets with Colectica for Excel
- Data Management Module ? a new extension for the Rogatus system
- Workshop: Discover the Power of DDI Metadata
- Workshop: Open Data and Metadata Management
Session Satisfaction Scale
Is Current
Is Dissemination Allowed
Is Version
Is Update
Is Floating
Are Updates Possible